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Roberta Ceccareli, Alain Haillant and Yawo Nyuiadzi took top honors during the SMGA's first Step Away Scramble
held at the Mullet Bay Golf Course on Sunday 21st May, 2023.  The event drew 9 teams of 3 golfers to the course and proved

to be very challenging, not least because it required players to think tactically about the strokes ahead. Rules of play for

this novel format required that the player whose ball was chosen for the next shot was not allowed to play, hence the "Step Away".

Everyone agreed that it was exciting and challenging. It made for some interesting choices of player shots.


Eventually the winners shot a stunning 65 stroke net score. Runners up was the team comprised of Jenny Marzi, Sam Bashir and

Richard Gibson with a score of 67 net. In third place came the team of Andy Holmes, Jan Peter Holtland and Keith Graham with a net score of 69.


The next tournament will be a combined Dutch and French side tournament scheduled for 17th June 2023.

Winners SMGA 3 Person Scramble .jpg

Winners:  Roberta Ceccareli, Alain Haillant and Yawo Nyuiadzi

flanked by Jan Peter Holtland and Keith Graham

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